House of ACTS
Church on Fire

Pastor Lane Farr & Pastor Judy Farr

Pastor Lane has been a Christian since a Radical Encounter with God as he prepared to commit suicide due to the shame and guilt he felt in his life. Then God revealed to him His Life Mission: To Bring as Many people as he can to Salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. To walk into The Authority given to every Christ Follower by the Death and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ and the ACTIVATION of the Holy Spirit indwelling in them!
Pastor Judy struggled for many years to understand who she was in Christ and the impact her thoughts and words had on her life and those around her. Judy’s desire is for people to understand their true worth in Christ, who God created them to be, and the power of the spoken word.
Lane and Judy Farr have been married since June 2000. They have 3 sons Cody, Cory and William. As most people do, Lane and Judy experienced struggles in their marriage. But it was through these struggles that they experienced God’s grace and truly learned to accept it for the first times in their lives. They learned the importance of their individual relationships with Christ and now want to equip others to find the same.
Lane & Judy have been seeking God's will for their life and how they can change the atmosphere of their home, community and city! They started House of Acts Ministries & Church following God's word and example in The Book of Acts.
We hope you will join us one Sunday for Family Dinner at 4:30 pm and Church Service/Message starts at 5:15pm & Facebook Live at 5:30pm
Get To Know House Of Acts Ministry Associate Pastor
Pastor Les StClair & His Wife Dee StClair
Pastor Les was born in 1955 and first accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior at the age of 12 in a small country Baptist church in the Heart of the Ozarks in south central Missouri.
He had read the Bible from cover to cover before he graduated high school. After graduating he went his own way for several of years. Falling into addiction of alcohol and drugs. He never knew his true worth until he woke up one day and realized he was eating with the swine of the prodigal son.
It was mid-May 1986 when he rededicated his life to the Lord. Having been set free of the addictions in his life with the help of Celebrate Recovery (yes he is one of those people.) That began a lifelong journey of seeking and following after God’s will. It has been a hard journey having lost his wife to cancer in April 2001.
But God is faithful, even when we are not, and he has given him another helper in Dee. They were married in March of 2013.
Dee had lost all hope and purpose in her Life and in 1990 she met Jesus when someone came to her house and told her about him.
That is why she is always eager to go out and share God’s Love with others no matter where you want to go. She has a kind, generous and outgoing personality, and is not afraid to speak her mind.
That is why she is so loved, because you always know exactly where she stands. Pastor Les and Dee St Clair are committed to seeking God’s will for their life and love to share His love with all that will accept it.